
How To Draw A Vertical Line In R Histogram

abline R function : An easy fashion to add straight lines to a plot using R software

  • Add a vertical line
  • Add an horizontal line
  • Add regression line
  • Infos

The aim of this tutorial is to show yous how to add together 1 or more direct lines to a graph using R statistical software. The R part abline() can exist used to add vertical, horizontal or regression lines to a graph.

How to add straight lines to a plot using R statistical software

A simplified format of the abline() part is :

              abline(a=Goose egg, b=Zip, h=NULL, v=Naught, ...)            

  • a, b : single values specifying the intercept and the gradient of the line
  • h : the y-value(south) for horizontal line(southward)
  • 5 : the ten-value(south) for vertical line(s)

Add together a vertical line

The simplified format is :

                abline(v = y)              

It draws a vertical line on the current plot at the specified 'y' coordinates.

                # commencement example : Add one line plot(cars) abline(five=15, col="blue") # second case : add 2 lines  # change line colors, sizes and types plot(cars) abline(v=c(15,20), col=c("bluish", "red"), lty=c(1,ii), lwd=c(1, iii)) # third example gear up.seed(1234); mydata<-rnorm(200) hist(mydata, col="lightblue") abline(v = mean(mydata), col="red", lwd=iii, lty=2)              

How to add straight lines to a plot using R statistical software How to add straight lines to a plot using R statistical software How to add straight lines to a plot using R statistical software

Annotation that, line types (lty) and line width (lwd) are explained here.

Add an horizontal line

The simplified format is :

                abline(h = x)              

It draws an horizontal line on the current plot at the specified 'x' coordinates.

                plot(cars) abline(h=xl, col="bluish")              

How to add straight lines to a plot using R statistical software

Add regression line

lm() function is used to fit linear models.

                par(mgp=c(2,one,0), mar=c(3,three,1,1)) # Fit regression line require(stats) reg<-lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars) coeff=coefficients(reg) # equation of the line :  eq = paste0("y = ", circular(coeff[2],1), "*x ", round(coeff[1],one)) # plot plot(cars, master=eq) abline(reg, col="blue")              

How to add straight lines to a plot using R statistical software


This analysis has been performed using R statistical software (ver. 3.1.0).

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